Setting the Target Host for Kernel Zone Evacuation

After the non-interactive authentication between the hosts is set up, set the evacuation/target SMF property of the zones delegated restarter service to specify the URI to connect to the RAD service on the target host.

You must select a target host that is suitable to receive and run the evacuated zones. If any migrating zone will need any changes in its configuration to run on the target host, you should create the zone configuration on the target host before evacuation. See About Migration and Compatible Configurations.

You can set the evacuation/target property to apply to all zones on the source host, or set the property to different target hosts for individual zones. You can also override the setting on individual zone service instances after you set the property for all zones.

You must refresh the zone delegated restarter service svc:/system/zones/zone after setting the evacuation/target property for all zones. If you set a target for a particular zone, you must refresh its zone delegated restarter service svc:/system/zones/zone:zonename after setting the evacuation/target property.

To evacuate all zones to the same host targethost:

global$ pfbash svccfg -s system/zones/zone
svc:/system/zones/zone> setprop evacuation/target=ssh://targethost
svc:/system/zones/zone> exit 
global$ svcadm refresh svc:/system/zones

To evacuate a particular zone zonename to a target host targethost add the zone name to the service name:

global$ pfbash svccfg -s system/zones/zone:zonename
svc:/system/zones/zone:zonename> setprop evacuation/target=ssh://targethost
svc:/system/zones/zone:zonename> exit 
global$ svcadm refresh svc:/system/zones/zone:zonename

Example 6-1 Setting the Evacuation Target for All Zones and Verifying the Property Value

global$ pfbash svccfg -s system/zones/zone
svc:/system/zones/zone> setprop evacuation/target=ssh://global2
svc:/system/zones/zone> exit global$ svcprop -p "evacuation/target" svc:/system/zones/zone  
global$ svcadm refresh svc:/system/zones/zone

Example 6-2 Setting the Evacuation Target for an Individual Kernel Zone

global$ pfbash svccfg -s system/zones/zone:kz1
svc:/system/zones/zone:kz1> setprop evacuation/target=ssh://global2
svc:/system/zones/zone:kz1> exit 
global$ svcprop -p "evacuation/target" svc:/system/zones/zone:kz1  
ssh://global2global$ svcadm refresh svc:/system/zones/zone:kz1