Storage Information From Host Data

When a kernel zone is configured or booted, the host data is read to determine whether the kernel zone's boot storage is in use on another system. If the boot storage is in use on another system, the kernel zone enters the unavailable state and an error message indicates which system is using the boot storage. For example:

global$ pfbash zoneadm -z kzone1 attach
zone 'kzone1': error: ERROR: zone kzone1 is in use by host with  hostid 848611d4
zone 'kzone1': error:       last known state: installed
zone 'kzone1': error:               hostname: global2
zone 'kzone1': error:  boot environment name: solaris-1
zone 'kzone1': error:  boot environment uuid: 69ed2e6a-e25a-6d36-e022-ed7261ed8899
zone 'kzone1': error:       last update time: Sun Apr 13 20:08:13 2014
zone 'kzone1': error: To fix, detach the zone from the other host then attach it to this host
zone 'kzone1': error: If the zone is not active on another host, attach it with
zone 'kzone1': error:    zoneadm -z kzone1 attach -x force-takeover

If the boot storage is not in use by the other system, you can repair the kernel zone by using the zoneadm attach -x force-takeover command.


Forcing a takeover or reinitialization of the host data makes it impossible to detect if the zone is in use on any other system. Running multiple instances of a zone that reference the same storage leads to unrepairable corruption of the zone's file systems.