Creating a Version Definition

Version definitions commonly consist of an association of symbol names to a unique version name. These associations are established within a mapfile and supplied to the final link-edit of an object using the link-editor's -M option. This technique is introduced in the section Reducing Symbol Scope.

A version definition is established whenever a version name is specified as part of the mapfile directive. In the following example, two source files are combined, together with mapfile directives, to produce an object with a defined public interface.

$ cat foo.c
#include    <stdio.h>

extern const char *_foo1;

void foo1()
        (void) printf(_foo1);
$ cat data.c
const char *_foo1 = "string used by foo1()\n";
$ cat mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
SYMBOL_VERSION SUNW_1.1 {                  # Release X
$ cc -c -Kpic foo.c data.c
$ cc -o -M mapfile -G foo.o data.o
$ elfdump -sN.symtab | grep 'foo.$'
    [32]   0x1074c    0x4  OBJT LOCL  H    0 .data      _foo1
    [53]     0x560   0x38  FUNC GLOB  D    0 .text      foo1

The symbol foo1 is the only global symbol that is defined to provide the shared object's public interface. The special auto-reduction directive "*" causes the reduction of all other global symbols to have local binding within the object being generated. The auto-reduction directive is described in SYMBOL_SCOPE and SYMBOL_VERSION Directives. The associated version name, SUNW_1.1, causes the generation of a version definition. Thus, the shared object's public interface consists of the global symbol foo1 associated to the internal version definition SUNW_1.1.

Whenever a version definition, or the auto-reduction directive, are used to generate an object, a base version definition is also created. This base version is defined using the name of the object being built. This base version is used to associate any reserved symbols generated by the link-editor. See Generating the Output File for a list of reserved symbols.

The version definitions that are contained within an object can be displayed using pvs(1) with the -d option.

$ pvs -d;

The object has an internal version definition named SUNW_1.1, together with a base version definition


The link-editor's -z noversion option allows symbol reduction to be directed by a mapfile but suppresses the creation of version definitions.

From this initial version definition, the object can evolve by adding new interfaces together with updated functionality. For example, a new function, foo2, together with its supporting data structures, can be added to the object by updating the source files foo.c and data.c.

$ cat foo.c
#include    <stdio.h>

extern const char *_foo1, *_foo2;

void foo1()
        (void) printf(_foo1);

void foo2()
        (void) printf(_foo2);
$ cat data.c
const char *_foo1 = "string used by foo1()\n";
const char *_foo2 = "string used by foo2()\n";

A new version definition, SUNW_1.2, can be created to define a new interface representing the symbol foo2. In addition, this new interface can be defined to inherit the original version definition SUNW_1.1.

The creation of this new interface is important, as the interface describes the evolution of the object. These interfaces enable users to verify and select the interfaces to bind with. These concepts are covered in more detail in Binding to a Version Definition and in Specifying a Version Binding.

The following example shows the mapfile directives that create these two interfaces.

$ cat mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
SYMBOL_VERSION SUNW_1.1 {                   # Release X

SYMBOL_VERSION SUNW_1.2 {                   # Release X+1
} SUNW_1.1;

$ cc -o -M mapfile -G foo.o data.o
$ elfdump -sN.symtab | grep 'foo.$'
    [28]   0x107a4    0x4  OBJT LOCL  H    0 .data      _foo1
    [29]   0x107a8    0x4  OBJT LOCL  H    0 .data      _foo2
    [48]     0x5e8   0x20  FUNC GLOB  D    0 .text      foo1
    [51]     0x618   0x20  FUNC GLOB  D    0 .text      foo2

The symbols foo1 and foo2 are both defined to be part of the shared object's public interface. However, each of these symbols is assigned to a different version definition. foo1 is assigned to version SUNW_1.1. foo2 is assigned to version SUNW_1.2.

These version definitions, their inheritance, and their symbol association can be displayed using pvs(1) together with the -d, -v and -s options.

$ pvs -dsv
        SUNW_1.2:               {SUNW_1.1}:

The version definition SUNW_1.2 has a dependency on the version definition SUNW_1.1.

The inheritance of one version definition by another version definition is a useful technique. This inheritance reduces the version information that is eventually recorded by any object that binds to a version dependency. Version inheritance is covered in more detail in the section Binding to a Version Definition.

A version definition symbol is created and associated with a version definition. As shown in the previous pvs(1) example, these symbols are displayed when using the -v option.