Interaction Between Controlling and Target Process

To be able to inspect and manipulate a target process, the rtld-debugger interface employs an exported interface, an imported interface, and agents for communicating between these interfaces.

The controlling process is linked with the rtld-debugger interface provided by, and makes requests of the interface exported from this library. This interface is defined in /usr/include/rtld_db.h. In turn, makes requests of the interface imported from the controlling process. This interaction allows the rtld-debugger interface to perform the following.

  • Look up symbols in a target process.

  • Read and write memory in the target process.

The imported interface consists of a number of proc_service(3PROC) routines that most debuggers already employ to analyze processes. These routines are described in Debugger Import Interface.

The rtld-debugger interface assumes that the process being analyzed is stopped when requests are made of the rtld-debugger interface. If this halt does not occur, data structures within the runtime linker of the target process might not be in a consistent state for examination.

The flow of information between, the controlling process (debugger) and the target process (dynamic executable) is diagrammed in the following figure.

rtld-debugger Information Flow

rtld-debugger information flow.

A sample implementation of a controlling process that uses the rtld-debugger interface is provided in the pkg:/source/demo/system package under /usr/demo/librtld_db. This debugger, rdb, provides an example of using the proc_service imported interface, and shows the required calling sequence for all exported interfaces. The following sections describe the rtld-debugger interfaces. More detailed information can be obtained by examining the sample debugger.