Invoking the Support Interface

The link-editor accepts one or more support libraries provided by either the SGS_SUPPORT environment variable or with the link-editor's -S option. The environment variable consists of a colon separated list of support libraries.

$  cc ....

The -S option specifies a single support library. Multiple -S options can be specified.

$ LD_OPTIONS=''  cc ....

A support library is a shared object. The link-editor opens each support library, in the order the libraries are specified, using dlopen(3C). If both the environment variable and -S option are encountered, then the support libraries specified with the environment variable are processed first. Each support library is then searched, using dlsym(3C), for any support interface routines. These support routines are then called at various stages of link-editing.

A support library must be consistent with the ELF class of the link-editor being invoked, either 32-bit or 64-bit. See 32-Bit Environments and 64-Bit Environments for more details.


By default, the Solaris OS support library is used by the link-editor to process, and compact, compiler-generated debugging information supplied within input relocatable objects. This default processing is suppressed if you invoke the link-editor with any support libraries specified using the -S option. The default processing of can be required in addition to your support library services. In this case, add explicitly to the list of support libraries that are supplied to the link-editor.