Multiple Ancillary Objects

When the ancillary object feature is enabled with the -z ancillary option, a single ancillary object is produced. A mapfile can be used instead, to specify an arbitrary number of ancillary objects, and to assign the data from specific sections to those objects. Typically, a single ancillary object is sufficient, but multiple objects may be desired for organizational reasons, or to overcome the 4 Gbyte limit on a single 32-bit ancillary object when building extremely large objects.

The ANCILLARY mapfile directive is used to specify the ancillary objects to create. When ANCILLARY is used, the -z ancillary option is not necessary, and can be omitted. The NULL_SEGMENT mapfile directive is then used to direct the data for non-allocable sections to specific ancillary objects. Data for non-allocable sections that are not redirected explicitly is written to the first ancillary object.

The following example demonstrates the creation of two ancillary objects. The second ancillary object receives the data for .debug_info sections, while the data for all other non-allocable sections are written to the first ancillary object.

$ cat mapfile-anc
$mapfile_version 2


                IS_NAME = ".debug_info";
                OUTPUT_SECTION { ANCILLARY = debug_info };
$ cc -g -M mapfile-anc hello.c
$ file a.out*
a.out: ELF 32-bit LSB executable 80386 Version 1 [SSE], dynamically \
    linked, not stripped, 2 ancillary objects
a.out.anc: ELF 32-bit LSB ancillary 80386 Version 1, \
    primary object a.out
a.out.debug_info.anc: ELF 32-bit LSB ancillary 80386 Version 1, \
    primary object a.out
$ elfdump -T SUNW_ancillary a.out

Ancillary Section:  .SUNW_ancillary
  index  tag                value 
    [0]  ANC_SUNW_CHECKSUM  0x1324  
    [1]  ANC_SUNW_MEMBER    0x1     a.out
    [2]  ANC_SUNW_CHECKSUM  0x1324  
    [3]  ANC_SUNW_MEMBER    0x7     a.out.anc
    [4]  ANC_SUNW_CHECKSUM  0x9be5  
    [5]  ANC_SUNW_MEMBER    0x11    a.out.debug_info.anc
    [6]  ANC_SUNW_CHECKSUM  0x2e4d  
    [7]  ANC_SUNW_NULL      0       
$ ./a.out
hello world