automountd Daemon

The automountd daemon handles the mounting and unmounting requests from the autofs service. The syntax of the command is as follows:

automountd [-Tnv] [-D name=value]

Enables tracing.


Disables browsing on all autofs nodes.


Logs all status messages to the console.

-D name=value

Substitutes value for the automount map variable that is indicated by name.

The default value for the automount map is /etc/auto_master. Use the -T option for troubleshooting.

You can make the same specifications with the sharectl command that you would make on the command line. However, unlike the command-line options, the SMF repository preserves your specifications, through service restarts and system reboots, as well as system upgrades. You can set the following parameters for the automountd daemon.


Logs status messages to the console and is the equivalent of the -v argument for the automountd daemon. The default value is FALSE.


Turns browsing on or off for all autofs mount points and is the equivalent of the -n argument for automountd. The default value is FALSE.


Expands each remote procedure call (RPC) and displays the expanded RPC on standard output. This keyword is the equivalent of the -T argument for automountd. The default value is 0. Values can range from 0 to 5.


Permits you to assign different values to different environments. This keyword is the equivalent of the -D argument for automountd. The environment parameter can be used multiple times. However, you must use separate entries for each environment assignment.