Displaying Information About File Systems Available for Mounting

The showmount command displays information about file systems that have been remotely mounted or are available for mounting. You use the -e option to list the shared file systems. For example:

# /usr/sbin/showmount -e bee
export list for bee:
/export/share/local  (everyone)
/export/home        tulip,lilac
/export/home2       rose

For information about other options, see the showmount(8) man page.

In addition to the showmount command, NFS version 4 servers also provide clients with a seamless view of the exported objects through a pseudo file system. For more information on NFS version 4 pseudo file system, see File System Name Space in NFS Version 4.

The following information is displayed on the client rose:

# mount -overs=4 bee:/export /mnt
# ls /mnt
share home home2

In some environments, information about shared file systems and the systems that have mounted them should not be displayed. You can set the showmount_info property of the sharectl command to none, which ensures that the client cannot view the following file system information:

  • Information about file systems that the client cannot access

  • Information about all the shared file systems

  • Information about other systems that have mounted the file systems

Example 3-3 Restricting File System Information Displayed to Clients

bee# sharectl set -p showmount_info=none nfs

The following information is displayed on the client rose:

# /usr/sbin/showmount -e bee
export list for bee:
/export/share/local  (everyone)
/export/home2        rose

The information about the /export/home file system is no longer displayed.

When the showmount_info property is set to none, the NFS version 4 pseudo file system view for a client is also restricted to the exported paths that the client is allowed access.

The following information is displayed on the client rose:

# mount -overs=4 bee:/export /mnt
# ls /mnt
share home2

The directory home is no longer displayed in the directory listing.