fsstat Command

The fsstat utility enables you to monitor file system operations by file system type and by mount point. Various options enable you to customize the output:


Displays statistics about the I/O operations for mount points


Displays statistics about the naming operations for mount points

The following example shows output for NFS Version 3, NFS Version 4, and the root mount point.

% fsstat nfs3 nfs4 /
  new     name   name    attr    attr   lookup   rddir   read   read   write   write
 file    remov   chng     get     set      ops     ops    ops  bytes     ops   bytes
3.81K       90  3.65K   5.89M   11.9K    35.5M   26.6K   109K   118M   35.0K   8.16G  nfs3
  759      503    457   93.6K   1.44K     454K   8.82K  65.4K   827M     292    223K  nfs4
25.2K    18.1K  1.12K   54.7M    1017     259M   1.76M  22.4M  20.1G   1.43M   3.77G  /

The following example uses the -i option to provide statistics about the I/O operations for NFS Version 3, NFS Version 4, and the root mount point.

% fsstat -i nfs3 nfs4 /
 read    read    write   write   rddir   rddir   rwlock   rwulock
  ops   bytes      ops   bytes     ops   bytes      ops       ops
 109K    118M    35.0K   8.16G   26.6K   4.45M     170K      170K  nfs3
65.4K    827M      292    223K   8.82K   2.62M    74.1K     74.1K  nfs4
22.4M   20.1G    1.43M   3.77G   1.76M   3.29G    25.5M     25.5M  /

The following example uses the -n option to provide statistics about the naming operations for NFS Version 3, NFS Version 4, and the root mount point.

% fsstat -n nfs3 nfs4 /
lookup   creat   remov  link   renam  mkdir  rmdir   rddir  symlnk  rdlnk
 35.5M   3.79K      90     2   3.64K      5      0   26.6K      11   136K  nfs3
  454K     403     503     0     101      0      0   8.82K     356  1.20K  nfs4
  259M   25.2K   18.1K   114    1017     10      2   1.76M      12  8.23M  /

For more information, see the fsstat(8) man page.