How to Enable WebNFS Access

By default, all file systems that are available for NFS mounting are automatically available for WebNFS access. Use this procedure for one of the following reasons:

  • To allow NFS mounting on a server that does not currently allow NFS mounting

  • To reset the public file handle to shorten NFS URLs by using the public option with the share command

  • To force an HTML file to be loaded by using the index option with the share command

You can also use the sharectl utility to configure file-sharing protocols such as NFS. For more information about configuring file sharing protocols, see the sharectl(8) man page.

For information about issues to consider before starting the WebNFS service, see Planning for WebNFS Access.

  1. Become an administrator.
  2. Define the file systems to be shared by the WebNFS service.

    Use the share command to define each file system.

    # share -F nfs -o specific-options pathname

    For information about the available options for the share_nfs command, see the share_nfs(8) man page.

  3. Verify that the options you specified are listed.
    # share -F nfs

    For example:

    # share -F nfs
    export_share_man  /export/share/man  sec=sys,ro
    usr_share_src     /usr/src           sec=sys,rw=eng
    export_ftp        /export/ftp        sec=sys,ro,public,index=index.html