How to Add an Automounter Entry for an SMB Share

You can add an SMB share to an automount map, such as the /etc/auto_direct file, so that the share will be automatically mounted when a user accesses the mount point. You cannot add these automount entries to the /etc/auto_master file.

To successfully use the automount feature without the need to specify a password, you must store a persistent password to mount the share. See Storing SMB Persistent Passwords.


When a user mounts a remote SMB share by using smbfs, all accesses through that mount, even by other users, are as the user who established the mount. For shares that will be used only by the owner, you should restrict access to the share by using the dirperms mount option to ensure that only the owner can access the share.
  1. Become an administrator.
  2. Edit the /etc/auto_master file to refer to the automount map.

    For example, to add automount entries to the /etc/auto_direct file, add the following line to the /etc/auto_master file:

    /-	auto_direct
  3. Add the mapping to the automount map.
  4. Run the automount command to read the /etc/auto_master file.
    $ automount
  5. Access the automounted share.

    The share is automounted when a user accesses the mounted share, such as by using the ls or cd command.

    $ ls /PUBLIC
    bin docs

    After the SMB share is mounted, a user can use regular Oracle Solaris commands to access the files. Automounted shares are automatically unmounted after a period of inactivity.

Example 4-2 Editing the automounter map

The following examples show the changes to the automount map, in this example the /etc/auto_direct file, to configure automount maps.

  • To configure a private automount (a share that will only be accessed by the owner) of the //solarsystem/test share on the /sam-test mount point, create the following entry in the /etc/auto_direct file:

    /sam-test -fstype=smbfs,dirperms=0700,uid=sam //solarsystem/test

    The dirperms=0700 mount option ensures that only the owner can access the share. The uid=sam mount option ensures that the share root and everything in the share is owned by user sam.

  • To configure a public automount of the //solarsystem/public share on the /PUBLIC mount point, create the following entry in the /etc/auto_direct file:

    /PUBLIC -fstype=smbfs,dirperms=0555 //solarsystem/public

    The dirperms=0555 mount option ensures that everyone has read and execute access to the share.

  • To configure a public automount of a share that can be accessed anonymously, which does not require a password, specify the noprompt option:

    /PUBLIC -noprompt,fstype=smbfs,dirperms=0555 //solarsystem/public

    The noprompt mount option suppresses the prompting for a password when mounting the share. The dirperms=0555 mount option ensures that everyone has read and execute access to the share.