How to Create a Specific Autohome Share Rule

This procedure describes how to configure autohome shares by adding rules to a configuration file.

For information about the smbautohome format, see SMB Autohome Entries and the smbautohome(5) man page.

  1. Become an administrator.
  2. Add an autohome entry to the /etc/smbautohome file.

    An autohome entry must be on a single line in the following format:

    location [container]

    Usually a user name, but it can also be one of the following:

    • +nsswitch Uses the naming service to match users to home directories if no rule matches.

    • Asterisk (*) – Matches a user name to a home directory that uses the same name.


    The location of the user's home directory in the location field.

    Specify the absolute path excluding the user name, or use one of the following substitution characters:

    • Question mark (?) – Substitutes for the first character of the user name.

    • Ampersand (&) – Substitutes for a complete user name.

    For example, the following rule maps to /home/a/auser:

    auser             /home/?/&

    For more information about the path, see SMB Autohome Shares.