How to Modify SMB Share Properties (zfs)

This procedure shows how to use the zfs command to modify share properties, but you can also use the share command for other file system types. See the share(8) man page.

  1. Become an administrator.
  2. View the existing share.
    $ zfs get share.all,share.smb.all tank/home%home
    NAME            PROPERTY                VALUE       SOURCE
    tank/home%home  share.desc                          default
    tank/home%home              home        -
    tank/home%home  share.nfs               off         default
    tank/home%home  share.nfs.*             ...         default
    tank/home%home  share.path                          default
    tank/home%home  share.point             /tank/home  -
    tank/home%home  share.protocols         smb         local
    tank/home%home  share.smb               on          local
    tank/home%home  share.smb.*             ...         default
    tank/home%home  share.state             shared      -
    tank/home%home  share.smb.abe           off         default
    tank/home%home              default
    tank/home%home  share.smb.catia         off         default
    tank/home%home  share.smb.cont_avail    off         default
    tank/home%home                       default
    tank/home%home  share.smb.dfsroot       off         default
    tank/home%home  share.smb.guestok       off         default
    tank/home%home  share.smb.none                      default
    tank/home%home                        default
    tank/home%home                        default
  3. Modify the SMB share properties.

    For example, first change the guestok property to false.

    $ zfs set share.smb.guestok=off tank/home%home

    Then, change the value of the csc property from auto to disabled.

    $ zfs set tank/home%home

    For information about available SMB share properties, see the share_smb(8) man page.