Adding Devices to a Storage Pool

You can dynamically add disk space to a pool by adding a new top-level virtual device. This disk space is immediately available to all datasets in the pool.

The virtual device that you add should have the same level of redundancy as the existing virtual device. However, you can change the level of redundancy by using the -f option.

To add a new virtual device to a pool, use the zpool add command.

$ zpool add pool keyword devices


With zpool add -n, you can perform a dry run before actually adding devices.

Example 4-1 Adding Disks to a Mirrored ZFS Configuration

In the following example, a mirror is added to a ZFS configuration that consists of two top-level mirrored devices.

$ zpool add mpool mirror c0t3d0 c1t3d0
$ zpool status mpool
pool: mpool
state: ONLINE
scrub: none requested

mpool          ONLINE       0      0      0
   mirror-0    ONLINE       0      0      0
      c0t1d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c1t1d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
   mirror-1    ONLINE       0      0      0
      c0t2d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c1t2d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
   mirror-2    ONLINE       0      0      0Added mirrored device.
      c0t3d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c1t3d0   ONLINE       0      0      0

errors: No known data errors

Example 4-2 Adding Disks to a RAID-Z Configuration

This example shows how to add one RAID-Z device consisting of three disks to an existing RAID-Z storage pool that also contains three disks.

$ zpool add rzpool raidz c2t2d0 c2t3d0 c2t4d0
$ zpool status rzpool
pool: rzpool
state: ONLINE
scrub: none requested

rzpool         ONLINE       0      0      0
   raidz1-0    ONLINE       0      0      0
      c1t2d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c1t3d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c1t4d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
   raidz1-1    ONLINE       0      0      0Added RAID-Z device.
      c2t2d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c2t3d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c2t4d0   ONLINE       0      0      0

errors: No known data errors

Example 4-3 Adding a Mirrored Log Device

This example shows how to add a mirrored log device to a mirrored storage pool.

$ zpool add newpool log mirror c0t6d0 c0t7d0
$ zpool status newpool
pool: newpool
state: ONLINE
scrub: none requested

newpool        ONLINE       0      0      0
   mirror-0    ONLINE       0      0      0
      c0t4d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c0t5d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
logs                                       Added mirrored log device.
   mirror-1    ONLINE       0      0      0
      c0t6d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c0t7d0   ONLINE       0      0      0

errors: No known data errors

Note that mirrored log devices are provided with an identifier, such as mirror-1 in the example. The identifier is useful when you remove log devices, as shown in Removing a Mirrored Log Device.

Example 4-4 Adding Cache Devices

This example shows how to add a cache device to a pool.

$ zpool add system1 cache c2t5d0 c2t8d0
$ zpool status system1
pool: system1
state: ONLINE
scrub: none requested

system1        ONLINE       0      0      0
   mirror-0    ONLINE       0      0      0
      c2t0d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c2t1d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c2t3d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
   cache                                   Added cache device.
      c2t5d0   ONLINE       0      0      0
      c2t8d0   ONLINE       0      0      0

errors: No known data errors