Adding ZFS File Systems to a Non-Global Zone

A ZFS file system that is added to a native zone must have its mountpoint property set to legacy. For example, for the system1/zone/zion file system, you would type the following command on the global or kernel zone:

global$ zfs set mountpoint=legacy system1/zone/zion

Then you would add that file system to the native zone by using the add fs subcommand of the zonecfg command.


To add the files system, ensure that it is not previously mounted on another location.
global$ zonecfg -z zion
zonecfg:zion> add fs
zonecfg:zion:fs> set type=zfs
zonecfg:zion:fs> set special=system1/zone/zion
zonecfg:zion:fs> set dir=/opt/data
zonecfg:zion:fs> end

This syntax adds the ZFS file system, system1/zone/zion, to the already configured zion zone, which is mounted at /opt/data. The zone administrator can create and destroy files within the file system. The file system cannot be remounted to a different location. Likewise, the zone administrator cannot change properties on the file system such as atime, readonly, compression, and so on.

The global zone administrator is responsible for setting and controlling properties of the file system.

For more information about the zonecfg command and about configuring resource types with zonecfg, see Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones.