The casesensitivity Property

This property indicates whether the file name matching algorithm used by the file system should be casesensitive, caseinsensitive, or allow a combination of both styles of matching (mixed).

When a case-insensitive matching request is made of a mixed sensitivity file system, the behavior is generally the same as would be expected of a purely case-insensitive file system. The difference is that a mixed sensitivity file system might contain directories with multiple names that are unique from a case-sensitive perspective, but not unique from the case-insensitive perspective.

For example, a directory might contain files foo, Foo, and FOO. If a request is made to case-insensitively match any of the possible forms of foo, (for example foo, FOO, FoO, fOo, and so on) one of the three existing files is chosen as the match by the matching algorithm. Exactly which file the algorithm chooses as a match is not guaranteed, but what is guaranteed is that the same file is chosen as a match for any of the forms of foo. The file chosen as a case-insensitive match for foo, FOO, foO, Foo, and so on, is always the same, so long as the directory remains unchanged.

The utf8only, normalization, and casesensitivity properties also provide new permissions that can be assigned to non-privileged users by using ZFS delegated administration. For more information, see Delegating ZFS Permissions.