Creating Complex ZFS Queries

The zfs list output can be customized by using the -o, -t, and -H options.

You can customize property value output by using the -o option and a comma-separated list of desired properties. You can supply any dataset property as a valid argument. For a list of all supported dataset properties, see Introducing ZFS Properties. In addition to the properties defined, the -o option list can also contain the literal name to indicate that the output should include the name of the dataset.

The following example uses zfs list to display the dataset name, along with the share.nfs and mountpoint property values.

$ zfs list -r -o name,share.nfs,mountpoint users/home
NAME                          NFS       MOUNTPOINT
users/home                    on        /users/home
users/home/kaydo              on        /users/home/kaydo
users/home/gina               on        /users/home/gina
users/home/gina/projects      on        /users/home/gina/projects
users/home/gina/projects/fs1  on        /users/home/gina/projects/fs1
users/home/gina/projects/fs2  on        /users/home/gina/projects/fs2
users/home/mork               on        /users/home/mork
users/home/nneke               on        /users/home/nneke

You can use the -t option to specify the types of datasets to display. The valid types are:

  • filesystem
  • share
  • snapshot
  • volume

The -t options takes a comma-separated list of the types of datasets to be displayed. The following example uses the -t and -o options simultaneously to show the name and used property for all file systems:

$ zfs list -r -t filesystem -o name,used users/home
NAME                           USED
users/home                    4.00G
users/home/kaydo               548K
users/home/gina               2.00G
users/home/gina/projects      2.00G
users/home/gina/projects/fs1  1.00G
users/home/gina/projects/fs2  1.00G
users/home/mork               1.00G
users/home/nneke               1.00G

You can use the -H option to omit the zfs list header from the generated output. With the -H option, all white space is replaced by the Tab character. This option can be useful when you need parseable output, for example, when scripting. The following example shows the output generated from using the zfs list command with the -H option:

$ zfs list -r -H -o name users/home