Displaying Information About All Storage Pools or a Specific Pool

The zpool list [pool] command displays the following pool information:


Name of the pool.


Total size of the pool, equal to the sum of the sizes of all top-level virtual devices.


Amount of physical space allocated to all datasets and internal metadata. Note that this amount differs from the amount of disk space as reported at the file system level.


Amount of unallocated space in the pool.


Amount of disk space used, expressed as a percentage of the total disk space.


Current health status of the pool.

For more information about pool health, see Determining the Health Status of ZFS Storage Pools.


Alternate root of the pool, if one exists.

For more information about alternate root pools, see Using a ZFS Pool With an Alternate Root Location.

The following example shows sample zpool list command output:

$ zpool list
NAME                    SIZE    ALLOC    FREE    CAP  HEALTH     ALTROOT
syspool1                80.0G   22.3G   47.7G    28%  ONLINE     -
syspool2                 1.2T    384G    816G    32%  ONLINE     -

To obtain statistics for a specific pool, specify the pool name with the command.