Setting Quotas on ZFS File Systems

Quotas on ZFS file systems can be set and displayed by using the zfs set and zfs get commands. In the following example, a quota of 10GB is set on tank/home/sueb:

$ zfs set quota=10G tank/home/sueb
$ zfs get quota tank/home/sueb
tank/home/sueb  quota     10G    local

Quotas also affect the output of the zfs list and df commands. For example:

$ zfs list -r tank/home
tank/home          1.45M  66.9G    36K  /tank/home
tank/home/glori     547K  66.9G   547K  /tank/home/glori
tank/home/sueb      322K  10.0G   291K  /tank/home/sueb
tank/home/sueb/ws    31K  10.0G    31K  /tank/home/sueb/ws
tank/home/mork       31K  66.9G    31K  /tank/home/mork
$ df -h /tank/home/sueb
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tank/home/sueb         10G  306K   10G   1% /tank/home/sueb

Note that although tank/home has 66.9GB of disk space available, tank/home/sueb and tank/home/sueb/ws each have only 10GB of disk space available, due to the quota on tank/home/sueb.

You can set a refquota on a file system that limits the amount of disk space that the file system can consume. This limit does not include disk space that is consumed by descendents. For example, studentA's 10GB quota is not impacted by space that is consumed by snapshots.

$ zfs set refquota=10g students/studentA
$ zfs list -t all -r students
NAME                          USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
students                      150M  66.8G    32K  /students
students/studentA             150M  9.85G   150M  /students/studentA
students/studentA@yesterday      0      -   150M  -
$ zfs snapshot students/studentA@today
$ zfs list -t all -r students
students                      150M  66.8G    32K  /students
students/studentA             150M  9.90G   100M  /students/studentA
students/studentA@yesterday  50.0M      -   150M  -
students/studentA@today          0      -   100M  -

For additional convenience, you can set another quota on a file system to help manage the disk space that is consumed by snapshots. For example:

$ zfs set quota=20g students/studentA
$ zfs list -t all -r students
NAME                          USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
students                      150M  66.8G    32K  /students
students/studentA             150M  9.90G   100M  /students/studentA
students/studentA@yesterday  50.0M      -   150M  -
students/studentA@today          0      -   100M  -

In this scenario, studentA might reach the refquota (10GB) hard limit, but studentA can remove files to recover, even if snapshots exist.

In the preceding example, the smaller of the two quotas (10GB as compared to 20GB) is displayed in the zfs list output. To view the value of both quotas, use the zfs get command. For example:

$ zfs get refquota,quota students/studentA
NAME               PROPERTY  VALUE              SOURCE
students/studentA  refquota  10G                local
students/studentA  quota     20G                local

Enforcement of a file system quota might be delayed by several seconds. This delay means that a user might exceed the file system quota before the system notices that the file system is over quota and refuses additional writes with the EDQUOT error message.