ZFS File System Space Reporting

The zpool list and zfs list commands are better than the previous df and du commands for determining your available pool and file system space. With the legacy commands, you cannot easily discern between pool and file system space, nor do the legacy commands account for space that is consumed by descendant file systems or snapshots.

For example, the following root pool (rpool) has 5.46 GB allocated and 68.5 GB free.

$ zpool list rpool
rpool   74G  5.46G  68.5G   7%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

If you compare the pool space accounting with the file system space accounting by reviewing the USED column of your individual file systems, you can see that the pool space that is reported in ALLOC is accounted for in the file systems' USED total. For example:

$ zfs list -r rpool
NAME                      USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                    5.41G  67.4G  74.5K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT               3.37G  67.4G    31K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/solaris       3.37G  67.4G  3.07G  /
rpool/ROOT/solaris/var    302M  67.4G   214M  /var
rpool/dump               1.01G  67.5G  1000M  -
rpool/export             97.5K  67.4G    32K  /rpool/export
rpool/export/home        65.5K  67.4G    32K  /rpool/export/home
rpool/export/home/admin  33.5K  67.4G  33.5K  /rpool/export/home/admin
rpool/swap               1.03G  67.5G  1.00G  -