ZFS Named Shares

You can also create a named share, which provides more flexibility in setting permissions and properties in an SMB environment. For example:

$ zfs share -o share.smb=on tank/workspace%myshare

In the preceding example, the zfs share command creates an SMB share called myshare of the tank/workspace file system. You can access the SMB share and display or set specific permissions or ACLs through the .zfs/shares directory of the file system. Each SMB share is represented by a separate .zfs/shares file. For example:

$ ls -lv /tank/workspace/.zfs/shares
-rwxrwxrwx+  1 root     root           0 May 15 10:31 myshare

Named shares inherit sharing properties from the parent file system. If you add the share.smb.guestok property to the parent file system in the previous example, this property is inherited to the named share. For example:

$ zfs get -r share.smb.guestok tank/workspace
NAME                    PROPERTY           VALUE  SOURCE
tank/workspace          share.smb.guestok  on     inherited from tank
tank/workspace%myshare  share.smb.guestok  on     inherited from tank

Named shares can be helpful in the NFS environment when defining shares for a subdirectory of the file system. For example:

$ zfs create -o share.nfs=on -o share.nfs.anon=99 -o share.auto=off tank/home
$ mkdir /tank/home/userA
$ mkdir /tank/home/userB
$ zfs share -o share.path=/tank/home/userA tank/home%userA
$ zfs share -o share.path=/tank/home/userB tank/home%userB
$ grep tank/home /etc/dfs/sharetab
/tank/home/userA        userA   nfs     anon=99,sec=sys,rw
/tank/home/userB        userB   nfs     anon=99,sec=sys,rw  

The above example also illustrates that setting the share.auto to off for a file system turns off the auto share for that file system while leaving all other property inheritance intact. Unlike most other sharing properties, the share.auto property is not inheritable.

Named shares are also used when creating a public NFS share. A public share can only be created on a named NFS share. For example:

$ zfs create -o mountpoint=/pub tank/public
$ zfs share -o share.nfs=on -o share.nfs.public=on tank/public%pubshare
$ grep pub /etc/dfs/sharetab
/pub    pubshare        nfs     public,sec=sys,rw

See the share_nfs(8) and share_smb(8) man pages for a detailed description of NFS and SMB share properties.