ZFS Storage Pool Scrubbing Status

The scrub section of the zpool status output describes the current status of any scrubbing operations. This information is distinct from whether any errors are detected on the system, though this information can be used to determine the accuracy of the data corruption error reporting. If the last scrub ended recently, most likely, any known data corruption has been discovered.

The following zpool status scrub status messages are provided:

  • Scrub in-progress report. For example:

    scan: scrub in progress since Wed Jun 20 14:56:52 2012
    529M scanned out of 71.8G at 48.1M/s, 0h25m to go
    0 repaired, 0.72% done
  • Scrub completion message. For example:

    scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0h11m with 0 errors on Wed Jun 20 15:08:23 2012
  • Ongoing scrub cancellation message. For example:

    scan: scrub canceled on Wed Jun 20 16:04:40 2012

Scrub completion messages persist across system reboots.

For more information about the data scrubbing and how to interpret this information, see Checking ZFS File System Integrity.