Freed Buffer Checking: 0xdeadbeef

When the KMF_DEADBEEF (0x2) bit is set in the flags field of a kmem_cache, the allocator tries to make memory corruption easy to detect by writing a special pattern into all freed buffers. This pattern is 0xdeadbeef. Since a typical region of memory contains both allocated and freed memory, sections of each kind of block will be interspersed. The following example is from the kmem_alloc_24 cache:

0x70a9add8:     deadbeef        deadbeef
0x70a9ade0:     deadbeef        deadbeef
0x70a9ade8:     deadbeef        deadbeef
0x70a9adf0:     feedface        feedface
0x70a9adf8:     70ae3260        8440c68e
0x70a9ae00:     5               4ef83
0x70a9ae08:     0               0
0x70a9ae10:     1               bbddcafe
0x70a9ae18:     feedface        139d
0x70a9ae20:     70ae3200        d1befaed
0x70a9ae28:     deadbeef        deadbeef
0x70a9ae30:     deadbeef        deadbeef
0x70a9ae38:     deadbeef        deadbeef
0x70a9ae40:     feedface        feedface
0x70a9ae48:     70ae31a0        8440c54e

The buffers at 0x70a9add8 and 0x70a9ae28 are filled with 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef, which shows that these buffers are free. The buffer redzones are filled with 0xfeedfacefeedface, which indicates they are untouched (no buffer overrun has occurred). See the following section for an explanation of redzones. At 0x70a9ae00 an allocated buffer is located between the two free buffers.