mdb_help_print() Function

void mdb_help_print(const char *message);

Print <message> to standard output, wrapping it at spaces and tabs as necessary. Recognizes only the "%%", "%<n>" and "%</n>" formatting characters from mdb_printf(), to allow for setting terminal attributes. If formatted output is needed, mdb_help_print() can be interspersed with calls to mdb_printf() to achieve it. Unlike mdb_printf(), mdb_help_print() is designed for wrapping regular text.

A useful idiom is to arrange the continuing spaces in paragraphs at the beginning of the following line:

"This is a long set of sentences which will need to be"
" wrapped on output.  We move the continuing spaces to"
" the beginning of the following line and put"
" double-newlines on their own line, to separate"
" paragraphs visually."
"Here's a new paragraph.  Additional text can go here"
" to say whatever needs saying."