mdb_help_print_defs() Function

void mdb_help_print_defs(const mdb_help_def_t *defs, uint_t flags);

Prints an array of {term, definition} pairs in a uniform way. mdb_help_def_t is defined as:

typedef struct mdb_help_def {				      
			const char *mh_term;	/* Term ("-v") */	      
			const char *mh_def;	/* Definition ("verbose") */  
		} mdb_help_def_t;

The 'defs' array is terminated by an entry with a NULL mh_term. If flag is MDB_HPD_TERM_RIGHT, the "term" field will be right-justified if appropriate.

mh_term and mh_def are processed the same way mdb_help_print() processes its argument, so "%%", "%<n>", and "%</n>" may be used.

The output format will be either a two-column output:

term1  def1						     
		term2  this is a long definition which			     
		       wraps to a new line				     
		term3  def3

or a multi-line output:

term1 is a long term					      
		this is a long definition which wraps		      
		to a new line					      