Networking Dcmds

address ::mi [-p] [-d | -m]

Given the address of a kernel MI_O, filter and display the MI_O or its payload. If the -p option is specified, then the address of the corresponding payload of the MI_O is displayed, otherwise the MI_O itself is displayed. Specifying filter -d or -m enables the dcmd to filter device or module MI_O objects respectively.

::netstat [-av] [-f inet | inet6 | unix] [-P tcp | udp]

Show network statistics and active connections. If the -a option is present, the state of all sockets is displayed. If the -v option is present, more verbose output is displayed. If the -f option is present, only connections associated with the specified address family are displayed. If the -P option is present, only connections associated with the specified protocols are displayed.

[ address ] ::sonode [-f inet | inet6 | unix | id] [-t stream | dgram | raw | id] [-p id]

Filters and displays sonode objects. If no address is given, then the list of AF_UNIX sockets is displayed, otherwise only the specified sonode is displayed. If the -f option is present, then only sockets of the given family will be output. If the -t option is present, then only sonodes of the given type will be output. If the -p option is present, then only sockets of the given protocol will be displayed.

[ address ] ::tcpb [-av] [-P v4 | v6]

Filters and displays tcpb objects. If no address is specified, all connections are walked, otherwise only the specified tcpb is filtered/displayed. Specifying -a filters for only active connections and -P can be used to filter for TCP IPv4 or IPv6 connections. The tcpb dcmd is intelligent about filtering TCP connections, and if a IPv6 TCP connection is in a state that would still facilitate a IPv4 connection, the -P filter considers the connection as both IPv4 and IPv6 in much the same way that ::netstat does. If the dcmd is not being used as a filter and the -v option is specified, then the output of the dcmd will be verbose.