Configuring the RAD Transport to Specify a Particular IP Address

The RAD daemon uses the TCP, TLS, and GSS transports to listen and service incoming connections. By default, these transports permit you to configure a port on which the daemon listens for any address on the particular system.

In addition, the RAD daemon permits you to use the addr option to fine-tune a RAD transport configuration to bind to a specific IP address and to specify whether the connection from the client comes over a public or a private network interface. The IP address can be a host name or a network address.

When the RAD daemon binds to a specific address, you can separate traffic on public and private networking interfaces. For example, you might want to support different settings such as certificate and pam_service.

You can configure this behavior by modifying the existing rad:remote SMF service.

For example, you can use the addr option to distinguish between connections coming over private and public network interfaces and configure specific certificate and pam_service settings for each interface.

Example 1-1 Using the addr Option to Specify IP Addresses for the TCP Transport

The following command shows you how to configure the tcp transport to use the,, and IP addresses:

# svccfg -s rad:remote setprop https_port/addr = host: {}
# svcadm refresh rad:remote
# svcadm restart rad:remote

The following commands configure an additional RAD transport in the rad:remote SMF instance to listen on addresses and that of system1 on port 9999:

# svccfg -s rad:remote
svc:/system/rad:remote> addpg tls_port xport_tls
svc:/system/rad:remote> select tls_port
svc:/system/rad:remote> setprop tls_port/addr=host: ( system1)
svc:/system/rad:remote> setprop tls_port/port=9999
svc:/system/rad:remote> setprop tls_port/pam_service=rad-tls
svc:/system/rad:remote> setprop tls_port/certificate=/etc/certs/localhost/host.crt
svc:/system/rad:remote> setprop tls_port/privatekey=/etc/certs/localhost/host.key
svc:/system/rad:remote> setprop tls_port/proto=rad
# svcadm refresh rad:remote
# svcam restart rad:remote