Listing RAD Instances of an Interface in Python

An interface can contain multiple RAD instances. For example, the zonemgr module defines a Zone interface and there is an instance for each zone on the system. The RADConnection class provides the list_objects() method to list the interface instances as shown in the following example.

Example 2-34 Python Language – Listing RAD Interface Instances

>>> import as zonemgr
>>> import rad.connect as radcon
>>> with radcon.connect_unix() as rc:
... zonelist = rc.list_objects(zonemgr.Zone())
... print zonelist
[Name:,name=test-0,id=-1 Version: (1.0), Name:,name=test-1,id=-1 Version: (1.0), Name:,name=NOT-TEST,id=-1 Version: (1.0)]