Obtaining a Reference to a RAD Singleton in C

A module developer creates a singleton to represent an interface. This interface can be accessed easily. For example, the zonemgr module defines a singleton interface, ZoneInfo. It contains information about the zone that contains the RAD instance with which you are communicating.

Example 2-3 C Language – Obtaining a Reference to a RAD Singleton

#include <rad/radclient.h>

rc_instance_t *inst;
rc_err_t status;
char *name;

rc_conn_t *conn = rc_connect_unix(NULL, NULL);
if (conn !=NULL) {
   status = zonemgr_ZoneInfo__rad_lookup(conn, B_TRUE, &inst, 0);
  if(status == RCE_OK) {
    status =zonemgr_ZoneInfo_get_name(inst, &name);
  if (status ==RCE_OK)
     printf("Zone name: %s\n", name);

In the preceding example, you have connected to a local RAD instance, and have obtained a remote object reference directly using the lookup function provided by the zonemgr binding. After you have the remote reference, you can access the properties with the module_interface__get_<property>() function.