RAD Event Handling in Python

This example shows how to subscribe to and handle events. The ZoneManager instance defines a stateChange event, which clients can subscribe to for information about changes in the runtime state of a zone.

Example 2-43 Python Language – Subscribing to and Handling RAD Events

import rad.connect as radcon
import rad.bindings.com.oracle.solaris.rad.zonemgr as zonemgr
import signal

def handler(event, payload, user):
   print "event: %s" % str(event)
   print "payload: %s" % str(payload)
   print "zone: %s" % str(payload.zone)
   print "old: %s" % str(payload.oldstate)
   print "new: %s" % str(payload.newstate)

with radcon.connect_unix() as rc:
    zm = rc.get_object(zonemgr.ZoneManager())
    rc.subscribe(zm, "stateChange", handler, zm)

In this example, you have subscribed to a single event by passing a handler and a reference to the ZoneManager object. The handler is invoked asynchronously by the framework with various event details and user data. The user data is an optional argument at subscription. If the user data is not provided, the handler receives None as the user parameter.