RAD TLS Client in C

The libradclient C implementation includes the rc_connect_tls_ex() function that permits the client to connect to the RAD service over TLS. The connection requires that you specify the X.509 client certificate and its key file. For information about the server setup, see Configuring RAD Transports.

The rc_connect_tls() and rc_connect_tls_ex() functions take the following arguments:

rc_conn_t *
rc_connect_tls(const char *host, int port, const char *cert_files,
    char *locale);

rc_conn_t *
rc_connect_tls_ex(const char *host, int port, const char *cert_files,
    char *locale, const char *cert, const char *key);

Name of the host.


Port number.


A colon-separated list of locations for server certificate validation. This value can be null.


Name of the locale. If locale is NULL, the value is set to the locale that the client system uses.


Location of the X.509 client certificate. This value can be null.


Location of the key file associated with the client certificate. This value can be null.