Regex Pattern Searching in RAD in Python

You can also use ERE search capabilities of RAD. The following example shows how to find only zones with name test-0 or test-1.

Example 2-38 Python Language – Using Regex Patterns in RAD

>>> import as zonemgr
>>> import rad.client as radc
>>> import rad.connect as radcon
>>> with radcon.connect_unix() as rc:
... zonelist = rc.list_objects(zonemgr.Zone(), radc.ADRRegexPattern({"name" : "test-0|test-1"}))
...  print zonelist... 
[Name:,name=test-0,id=-1 Version: (1.0), Name:,name=test-1,id=-1 Version: (1.0)]

The key and the value must be valid EREs as determined by the instance of RAD to which you are connected. The expression is compiled and executed on the server.