Tips for Using RAD Modules

  • Man pages for the RAD modules are available for C client bindings and for Python.

    • For C, the man pages are in section 3RAD. For example, to view the man page of the module, type:

      $ man -s 3RAD kstat
    • For Python man pages, use the pydoc command. Prefix the module name with rad.bindings, and include the API version. For example, to view the man page of the module, type:

      $ pydoc3.7


      The 3RAD man pages include the API version of each RAD module.
  • Some operations, such as adding a new user, require additional privileges. You must ensure that the user has the appropriate rights profiles to execute the operation. For more information, see Assigning Rights to Users in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

  • By default, RAD log messages are available in the /var/svc/log/system-rad:local.log file. To enable logging of debug messages, set the config/debug property of the RAD SMF instance and restart the instance:

    # svccfg -s rad setprop config/debug=true
    # svcadm refresh rad:local
    # svcadm restart rad:local