Using RAD Struct Types in C

The zonemgr module defines a property struct, which represents an individual zone configuration property. The structure has the following members, name, type, value, listValue, and complexValue. Like enumerations, structures are defined in the binding header and follow similar naming conventions.

To free a structure, free functions module_structure_free() are provided by the binding to ensure proper cleanup of any memory held in the nested data.

Example 2-10 C Language – zonemgr Property Struct Definition and Its Free Function

typedef enum zonemgr_PropertyValueType {
     ZPVT_PROP_LIST = 1,
} zonemgr_PropertyValueType_t;

typedef struct zonemgr_Property {
 char * zp_name;
 char * zp_value;
 zonemgr_PropertyValueType_t zp_type;
 char * * zp_listvalue;
 int zp_listvalue_count;
 char * * zp_complexvalue;
 int zp_complexvalue_count;
} zonemgr_Property_t;

void zonemgr_Property_free(zonemgr_Property_t *);