Enumeration Definitions in RAD Modules

The enum element has a single mandatory attribute, name. The name is used when referring to the enumeration from other derived type or interface definitions. An enum contains one or more value elements, one for each user-defined enumerated value. A value element has a mandatory name attribute that gives the enumerated value a symbolic name. The symbolic name is not used elsewhere in the API definition, only in the server and various client environments. The symbolic name that is exposed in these environments are environment-dependent. An environment offering an explicit interface to RAD must provide an interface that accepts the exact string values defined by the value elements' name attributes.

Some language environments support associating scalar values with enumerated type values, for example C. To provide richer support for these environments, ADR supports this concept as well. By default, an enumerated value has an associated scalar value 1 greater than the preceding enumerated value's associated scalar value. The first enumerated value is assigned a scalar value of 0. Any enumerated value element may override this policy by defining a value attribute with the desired value. A value attribute must not specify a scalar value already assigned, implicitly or explicitly, to an earlier value in the enumeration and value elements contain no other elements.

Example 2-2 Defining Enumerations for a RAD Module

<enum name="Colors">
<value name="RED" /> <!-- scalar value: 0 -->
<value name="ORANGE" /> <!-- scalar value: 1 -->
<value name="YELLOW" /> <!-- scalar value: 2 -->
<value name="GREEN" /> <!-- scalar value: 3 -->
<value name="BLUE" /> <!-- scalar value: 4 -->
<value name="VIOLET" value="6" /> <!-- indigo is EOL -->