<summary /> Element in RAD Modules

The <summary /> element is a mandatory element. It represents a short text synopsis of the parent element. The <summary /> element can only text data annotated with the inline elements described in the following list. The output of a <summary /> element is running text with possible typographic modifications from the available inline elements:

<code />

Indicates small fragments of code.

<emphasis />

Emphasizes a phrase or word in italics.

<strong />

Emphasizes a phrase or word in bold.

<link />

Displays hypertext based on the following values for the hyperlink:


An external URL.

interface, [method, property, event]

An interface, method, property, or an event defined within the ADR document.

enum, [value]

An enum data type or an enum value defined within the ADR document.

struct, [field]

A struct data type or a struct field defined within the ADR document.


The text within the <link> element can be empty. If the value is empty, the text data is auto-generated based on the value of the method attribute.