Utilities in C for RAD

The following are the RAD utilities in the C language:

void *rad_zalloc(size_t size);

Returns a pointer to a zero-allocated block of size bytes.

char *rad_strndup(char *string, size_t length);

Creates and returns a duplicate of string that is of size length bytes.

int rad_strccmp(const char * zstring, const char * cstring, size_t length);

Compares two strings, up to a maximum size of length bytes.

int rad_openf(const char *format, int oflag, mode_tmode, ...);

Opens a file with access mode oflag, and mode mode, whose path is specified by calling sprintf on format.

FILE *rad_fopenf(const char *format, const char *mode, ...);

Opens a file with mode, whose path is specified by calling sprintf on format.