Device Allocation Commands

With uppercase options, the allocate, deallocate, and list_devices commands are administrative commands. Otherwise, these commands are user commands. The following table lists the device allocation commands.

Table 4-4 Device Allocation Commands

Man Page for Command Purpose


Reserves an allocatable device for use by one user.

By default, a user must have the solaris.device.allocate authorization to allocate a device. You can modify the device_allocate file to not require user authorization. Then, any user on the system can request the device to be allocated for use.


Removes the allocation reservation from a device.


Searches for an allocatable device by device type, by device name, and by full path name.


Lists the status of allocatable devices.

Lists all the device-special files that are associated with any device that is listed in the device_maps file.

With the -U option, lists the devices that are allocatable or allocated to the specified user ID. This option allows you to check which devices are allocatable or allocated to another user. You must have the solaris.device.revoke authorization.