Initializing and Backing Up TPM on Oracle Solaris Systems

This section contains procedures for initializing TPM on Oracle Solaris systems and for backing up TPM data and keys. The procedures vary between SPARC and x86 systems. However, to initialize TPM, certain prerequisites are common for both platforms.

  • The TPM device /dev/tpm must be installed on the system.

  • TPM must be using TCG Trusted Platform Module specification Version 1.2, otherwise known as ISO/IEC 11889-1:2009. Refer to the specification published in

  • The following Oracle Solaris TPM packages must be installed:

    • Trusted Platform Module driver (driver/crypto/TPM)

    • TrouSerS TCG software (library/security/trousers)

    To install these packages, use the following commands:

    # pkg install driver/crypto/tpm
    # pkg install library/security/trousers