Securing Logins and Passwords

To guard access to your systems, you can limit remote logins, require users to have passwords, and require the root account to have a complex password. To manage user access, you can display a security message to users, monitor failed access attempts, and disable logins temporarily.

The following task map points to procedures that monitor user logins and that disable user logins.

Table 3-1 Securing Logins and Passwords Task Map

Task Description For Instructions

Inform users of site security at login.

Displays a text message on the login screen with site security information.

How to Place a Security Message in Banner Files

Display the user's login status.

Lists extensive information about the user's login account, such as full name and password aging information.

How to Display the User's Login Status

Find users who do not have passwords.

Finds only those users whose accounts do not require a password.

How to Display Users Without Passwords

Disable logins temporarily.

Denies user logins to a computer system as part of system shutdown or routine maintenance.

How to Temporarily Disable User Logins