kbd Configuration Properties

Keyboard configuration properties are now part of the following SMF service:


You display and configure keyboard properties by using similar syntax:

# svccfg -s svc:/system/keymap:default
svc:/system/keymap:default> setprop
Usage:  setprop pg/name = [type:] value
setprop pg/name = [type:] ([value...])

Set the pg/name property of the currently selected entity.  Values may be
enclosed in double-quotes.  Value lists may span multiple lines.

svc:/system/keymap:default> listprop
general                           framework
general/complete                  astring
general/enabled                   boolean     false
keymap                            system
keymap/console_beeper_freq        integer     900
keymap/kbd_beeper_freq            integer     2000
keymap/keyboard_abort             astring     enable
keymap/keyclick                   boolean     false

For more information, see the kbd(1) man page.