nfs:nfs_disable_rddir_cache Parameter


Controls the use of a cache to hold responses from READDIR and READDIRPLUS requests. This cache avoids over-the-wire calls to the NFS server to retrieve directory information.

Data Type

Integer (32-bit)


0 (caching enabled)


0 (caching enabled) or 1 (caching disabled)


Boolean values





When to Change

Examine the value of this parameter if interoperability problems develop due to a NFS server that does not update the modification time on a directory when a file or directory is created in it or removed from it. The symptoms are that new names do not appear in directory listings after they have been added to the directory or that old names do not disappear after they have been removed from the directory.

This parameter controls the caching for NFS version 2, 3, and 4 mounted file systems. This parameter applies to all NFS mounted file systems, so caching cannot be disabled or enabled on a per file system basis.

If you disable this parameter, you should also disable the following parameters to prevent bad entries in the DNLC negative cache:

Commitment Level
