Tuning an Oracle Solaris System

As an operating system, Oracle Solaris adjusts easily to system load and thus requires minimal tuning. However, in certain cases, tuning might be necessary. This book provides details about the officially supported tuning options available for Oracle Solaris.

The Oracle Solaris kernel consists of a core portion, which is always loaded, and a number of loadable modules that are loaded as these modules are being referenced. Many kernel parameters listed in this manual are core parameters. However, a few parameters belong to loadable modules.


Tuning system parameters is the least effective method to use to improve performance. Rather, improving and tuning the application, as well as adding more physical memory and balancing disk I/O patterns, are better options.

The tunable parameters described in this book can change from one Oracle Solaris release to the next. Publication of these tunable parameters does not preclude changes to the tunable parameters and their descriptions without notice.

The following table describes the different ways tunable parameters can be applied.

Apply Tunable Parameters in These Ways For More Information

Set the parameter in a configuration file in the /etc/system.d directory.

/etc/system.d/ Directory Files

Use the kernel debugger (kmdb).

kmdb Utility

Use the modular debugger (mdb).

mdb Command

Use the ipadm command to set TCP/IP parameters.

Internet Protocol Suite Tunable Parameters

Modify the /etc/default files.

System Facility Parameters