Adding, Modifying, or Removing Package Publishers

Use the pkg set-publisher command to perform the following operations:

  • Configure a new publisher

  • Set publisher origins and mirrors

  • Set publisher stickiness

  • Set publisher search order

  • Set and unset a publisher property, and add and remove a publisher property value

  • Specify SSL keys and certificates for a publisher

  • Set a publisher proxy

  • Enable or disable a publisher

  • Remove a publisher

The pkg set-publisher command has two forms. See the pkg(1) man page for details.

  • In one form, the name of the publisher is a required operand.

  • In the other form, a repository URI is provided as the argument to the -p option, and publisher information is retrieved from that specified repository. The publisher name is an optional operand so that you can configure only the named publisher if multiple publishers publish packages to that repository.