Available Versions of Open Source Software

You might find that an Oracle Solaris package repository contains versions of open source software that are newer than the newest version of pkg:/entire in that repository. You might be able to install these newer versions if you unlock the version-lock facets as described in Relaxing Version Constraints Specified by Constraint Packages. You might not be able to uninstall older versions because other software might have a dependency on the older version. In many cases, multiple versions of software are allowed to be installed on the system at the same time. In those cases, the default version is determined by the mediator setting, as described in Specifying a Default Application Implementation. If you require a particular version, specify the full path, not the mediated link, in your script or other software.

For specific versions of FOSS that are available in this release of Oracle Solaris, see Oracle Solaris 11.4 Bundled Software Updates in Freeware Available in Oracle Solaris 11.4.