Check the Content of Your Configured Publisher Origins

Use the pkg publisher command to check your package publisher origins.

$ pkg publisher
solaris    origin  online F

For a secure URI, make sure you have the required key and certificate properly installed, and use the -k and -c options when you configure the publisher.

If your site requires a proxy for external locations, use the --proxy option of the pkg set-publisher command to set that proxy. See Specifying a Proxy for instructions.

Use the pkg publisher publisher command to view more information about the publisher, such as key, certificate, and proxy.

If any origin URI of any of your enabled publishers is unreachable, the install or update operation fails, even if the locations you need are reachable. If you cannot fix the problem that makes the location unreachable, you can remove the unreachable origin with pkg set-publisher -G, disable the unreachable origin with pkg set-publisher -dg as shown in Enabling and Disabling Publisher Origins, or disable the publisher with pkg set-publisher -d. If you no longer need this publisher, use pkg unset-publisher to remove the publisher.

Check whether your package publisher origin contains the packages you need. For example, if your solaris publisher origin is set to the public release repository, then you cannot update a package to a version that is only available from a support repository.