Identifying Participants in a Mediation

Use the pkg mediator command to display the preferred versions of all mediated links in the image.

In the following output, MEDIATOR is the name of the set of links that share the same preferred link path. VER. SRC. and IMPL. SRC. show whether the preferred version was selected by the system, was selected according to an assigned priority (vendor or site) or was set by an administrator (local). VERSION is the version of the selected mediation participant, which should be similar to the version of the software that the link represents. The VERSION is set by the package developer. IMPLEMENTATION is a string that can be set by the package developer in addition to or instead of the version string. Your list will be different, depending on what you have installed.

$ pkg mediator
apache       system    2.4     system
apr-1-config system    1.5     system
apu-1-config system    1.5     system
csh          vendor            vendor     suncsh
gcc          system    5       system
java         system    1.8     system
openssl      vendor            vendor     default
perl         vendor    5.22    vendor
python       local     2.7     vendor
ruby         vendor    2.1     vendor
sendmail     vendor            vendor     sendmail
which        vendor            vendor     gnu

The -a option shows all mediation participants. Use this option to show your choices if you want to select a different preferred version. The following example shows all participants in the java mediation. The system keywords indicate that the preferred version in this mediation is not specified with a priority setting in the package and was not set by an administrator: The packaging system selected the version with the higher VERSION value as the preferred version.

$ pkg mediator -a java
java        system    1.8     system
java        system    1.7     system

The following output shows all packages that deliver the java mediation:

$ pkg search -lo,mediator-version link:mediator:java
runtime/java/jre-7 1.7
runtime/java/jre-8 1.8

The following output confirms that two different versions of the Java Runtime Environment are installed in this image and version 1.8.0_112 is the currently selected preferred version:

$ pkg list -s '*jre*'
runtime/java/jre-7      Java Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment (1.7.0_131-b12)
runtime/java/jre-8      Java Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment (1.8.0_121-b13)
$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_121"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)

The following output shows the mediated links (PATH) and where they link (TARGET):

$ pkg contents -o mediator-version,path,target -t link -a mediator=java jre-8 jre-7
1.7              usr/java             jdk/jdk1.7.0_131
1.8              usr/java             jdk/jdk1.8.0_121
1.7              usr/jdk/jdk1.7.0_131 instances/jdk1.7.0
1.8              usr/jdk/jdk1.8.0_121 instances/jdk1.8.0
1.7              usr/jdk/latest       jdk1.7.0_131
1.8              usr/jdk/latest       jdk1.8.0_121
$ ls -l /usr/java
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          16 Mar 23 16:11 /usr/java -> jdk/jdk1.8.0_121/

Both the jre-8 and jre-7 packages define a symbolic link whose path is /usr/bin/java. In the jre-7 package, the target of the link is jdk1.6.0. In the jre-8 package, the target of the link is jdk1.7.0. The pkg mediator and java -version commands above show that version 1.8 is currently the preferred version, the target of the /usr/bin/java link.