Listing All Installable Packages in a Group Package

Oracle Solaris provides several system installation group packages. The text installer and the default AI manifest in an Automated Installer installation install the solaris-large-server group package. The default installation manifest for non-global zones installs the solaris-small-server group package. The solaris-minimal-server group package installs the minimal supported set of packages required to run Oracle Solaris.

You can use the following command to display the set of packages that is included in the specified group package.


This package list does not include every package that is installed when you install the group package. Dependencies of the packages in this list will also be installed, and dependencies of those dependencies.
$ pkg contents -rt depend solaris-minimal-server
group   network/ping
group   network/ssh
group   service/network/ssh
group   shell/tcsh
group   shell/zsh
group   system/network
group   system/rsyslog
require developer/debug/mdb
require editor/vim/vim-core
require group/system/solaris-core-platform
require package/pkg
require release/name
require release/notices
require shell/bash
require shell/ksh93
require system/core-os
require system/library/platform

The -t option matches depend actions in the package. You can avoid installing packages that are group type dependencies. See Avoiding Installing Some Packages in a Group Package. Recall that group packages do not specify file system content; group packages specify other packages that are part of the group. See Group Packages for more information about group packages.

To also show the summary description of each package, use the pkg list -s command. The -o fmri option of the pkg contents command limits the output to what is shown in the second column in the previous example.

$ pkg list -Has `pkg contents -Hro fmri -t depend solaris-minimal-server`
developer/debug/mdb                 Modular Debugger (MDB)
editor/vim/vim-core                 Vi IMproved (core executables)
group/system/solaris-core-platform  Oracle Solaris Core Platform
network/ping                        Ping command
network/ssh                         OpenSSH client and associated utilities
package/pkg                         Image Packaging System
release/name                        Solaris Naming Enabler
release/notices                     Oracle Solaris notices
service/network/ssh                 OpenSSH servers and SSH (Secure Shell) services
shell/bash                          GNU Bourne-Again shell (bash)
shell/ksh93                         Ksh93 - The AT&T Korn Shell
shell/tcsh                          Tenex C-shell (tcsh)
shell/zsh                           Z Shell (zsh)
system/core-os                      Core Solaris
system/library/platform             Core Architecture, (Kvm)
system/network                      Core Network Infrastructure
system/rsyslog                      reliable and extended syslogd

Man pages are installed by default when the software they document is installed. However, the solaris-minimal-server installation group does not install the man command. If you install the solaris-minimal-server group, you might want to do one of the following:

  • Set the facet to false to avoid installing the man pages. See Showing and Changing Facet Values.

  • Install the text/doctools package to install the man command.