No Updates Are Available

Error message: No updates available for this image

If you are updating a particular package, use the following command to show what version of that package is currently installed in this image. If you are updating all installed packages (pkg update with no packages specified or with '*' specified for the package name), use pkg:/entire for package in these commands.

$ pkg list -v package

If no version is currently installed, use the pkg install command, not pkg update.

If a version of package is currently installed, use the following command to show which versions of package are available from your configured publishers:

$ pkg list -afv package

If the package with the highest version number is already installed, then perhaps no newer version exists.

If a newer version does exist, determine the package repository location where the newer version is available, and use the pkg set-publisher command to reset the origin URI or add an origin URI for the appropriate publisher. If necessary, install any required key and certificate and use the -k and -c options to specify them. Use the pkgrepo list command to verify that the currently installed version of the package also is available from configured publishers.

Execute the pkg update command again, specifying the -nv options and including the version (or the keyword latest) in the FMRI of the packages you want to install, as shown in the following example. Providing more information in the package names usually gives you more information in any error output.

$ pkg update -nv package@latest