Previewing Package Installation

The following example shows information about a package installation that is not actually performed:

$ pkg install -nv oracle-rdbms-server-18c-preinstall
           Packages to install:         4
            Services to change:         1
     Estimated space available: 852.48 GB
Estimated space to be consumed: 456.23 MB
       Create boot environment:        No
Create backup boot environment:        No
          Rebuild boot archive:        No

Changed packages:
    None -> 11.4-
    None -> 11.4-
    None -> 7.7-
    None -> 1.1.3-


This output indicates that this installation operation will be done in the current BE and not in a new BE, and a backup of this the current BE will not be created. You could specify options or image properties to require a new BE or a backup BE.

The Changed packages section shows that the group package listed on the command line would be installed, and three other packages would be installed. The output shows which version of each package would be installed. The token None indicates that these packages are not currently installed and therefore are not being updated.

The oracle-rdbms-server-18c-preinstall package has more than three dependencies:

$ pkg contents -rt depend oracle-rdbms-server-18c-preinstall
group   system/header
group   system/kernel/oracka
group   system/picl
group   x11/diagnostic/x11-info-clients
group   x11/library/libxi
group   x11/library/libxtst
group   x11/session/xauth
require compress/unzip
require developer/assembler
require developer/build/make
require system/dtrace
require system/library/openmp

The following command shows that ten of the twelve dependencies are already installed in this image:

$ pkg list `pkg contents -Hro fmri -t depend oracle-rdbms-server-18c-preinstall`
NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
compress/unzip                             i--
developer/assembler                               11.4-        i--
developer/build/make                              11.4-        i--
system/dtrace                                     11.4-       i--
system/header                                     11.4-       i--
system/library/openmp                             11.4-        i--
system/picl                                       11.4-       i--
x11/library/libxi                                 1.7.9-      i--
x11/library/libxtst                               1.2.3-      i--
x11/session/xauth                                 1.0.10-     i--

pkg list: no packages matching the following patterns are installed:

In addition to the two direct dependencies of oracle-rdbms-server-18c-preinstall that must be installed, the x11/library/libdmx package is installed because it is a required dependency of the x11-info-clients package, as shown by the following command:

$ pkg search -o type, :depend:group:x11/library/libdmx OR :depend:require:x11/library/libdmx
require x11/diagnostic/x11-info-clients
require x11/server/xdmx
require developer/opensolaris/userland